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    Convincing expertise
    We are proud of the cases where we were able to recover articles that have already been deleted more than 5 times. We have experience in local and global arbitrations.
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    Get started if there is a chance
    We work only with the articles that have a high chance of being moderated. Therefore, 91% of our articles are successfully verified by Wikipedia.
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    Neutrality guarantee
    We always defend the position of our customers in discussions and conflicts of edits with other contributors. We are focused on the neutral presentation of the infornation.
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    Protection from deletion
    If the article is nominated for removal, we protect it. We prove the significance and compliance with the Wikipedia criteria in discussions and voting.
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    Recovery plan
    If the page is deleted, we create a plan and strategy for the page republishing.
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    Article recovery or $ refund
    If the page is deleted, we will try to restore it. We refund 80% of the cost in case re-recovery was failed.