
Prices for all WikiBusines services have been updated

On September 20, 2023, we updated the prices for all Wikipedia page creation, editing, and maintenance services provided by Wikibusiness.

All the language versions of Wikipedia are divided into 4 price tiers, depending on the intricacy of the work. Basic language versions of Wikipedia became cheaper, complicated ones - more expensive.

English Wikipedia:
🔸Company Page: $1450

🔸Personal Page: $970

1️⃣ Advanced Language Versions:

Russian, Dutch, German, Lithuanian:

🔸Company Page: $1090

🔸Personal Page: $830

2️⃣ Intermediate Language Versions:

Chinese, Ukrainian, Polish, Hebrew, and more:

🔸Company Page: $920

🔸Personal Page: $750

3️⃣ Standard Language Versions:

Greek, Swahili, Slovak, Egypt Arabic etc:

🔸Company Page: $590

🔸Personal Page: $500

4️⃣ Basic Language Versions:

Cebuano, Bahasa Indonesia, Serbian, Romanian etc:

🔸 Company Page: $400

🔸Personal Page: $350

If you do not find the language you need, contact our sales managers:

Please note: Annual support and maintenance fees remain unchanged. The pricing for pages in English Wikipedia has seen an increment, while we now offer discounts on backlinks for bulk orders.

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