It is very important to plan the structure of sections in advance. This guarantees a minimum decent result. Today we prepared basic examples of sections of the article on Wikipedia about a person and company to facilitate this process:
Article about entrepreneur / investor:
- First name and last name, photo of a person
- Introduction: a few sentences about the place of birth and citizenship
- A place of work and position (list everything)
- Inventions related to work
- Rewards and Prize if any
- Less important - Education, Status, Family, Website
- Notes - the sources you used to confirm the data in the article
- External links are some of the most significant interviews, etc.
Article about the company:
- Company name, date and place of foundation, founder name and a brief description of company’s activity. Financial Indicators, Company's website, Logo. Depending on the type of activity you can add various parts, the territory of activity, industry, products or services - each of these sections can be filled in request
- Social liability
- Notes are used sources
Hopefully, these templates will help you save your time and nerves:)